Thursday, May 19, 2011

Universities in Germany


Germany is a country renowned industry with experts in various fields. Germany experts and many experts from various countries around the world have been generated by the higher education system in Germany. We can not deny the success of higher education in Germany. State the goal of many people from all over the world to study in his country. What is included with you? Well, we'll give you the data on college major in German territory, along with its location.

map of germany. picture via

University of Heidelberg
The University was founded in 1386 and is very famous in the world. The location of the University of Heidelberg in Heidelberg, a city of the autonomous (kreisfreie Stadt) in the state of Baden-Wüttemberg, Germany. A little information for you, the State of Baden-Wüttemberg has named the capital Stuttgart.

University od Leipzig
The University was founded in 1409 and its location was in Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany. A little information for you, Leipzig is the largest city in the state of Sachsen in Germany. Dresden is the capital of this state (Sachsen).

University of Rostock
The University was founded in 1419 and its location was in Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, northern Germany. Schwerin is the capital of Mechlenburg-Vorpommern.

University of Greifswald
The University was founded in 1456 and located in Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. A little information for you, Greifswald is a city of the autonomous (kreisfreie Stadt) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It borders the Baltic Sea, and traversed by the river Ryck. Greifwald recognized by the international community because of the high school that the University of Greifswald. Name the capital of Mecklendburg-Vorpommern is Schwerin.

University of Freiburg
The University was founded in 1457 and its location was in Freiburg, Baden-Wüttemberg, Germany. A little information for you, Freiburg is an autonomous city (kreisfreie Stadt) in Baden-Wüttemberg, with location at the southwest corner of Germany. The city known as student city because it is very famous with his old college. According to meteorological statistics, Freiburg is the city's most bright and warm in Germany.

University of Munich
Universitas ini didirikan pada tahun 1472 dan lokasinya berada di Munich, Bayern, Jerman. Munich merupakan ibukota dari negara bagian Bayern. University of Munich
The University was founded in 1472 and its location was in Munich, Bayern, Germany. Munich is the capital of the state of Bayern.

University of Mainz
The University was founded in 1477 and its location was in Mainz, Rhienland-Pfalz, Germany. Mainz is the capital of the state of Rhienland-Pfalz.

University of Tübingen
The University was founded in 1477 and located in Tübingen, Baden-Wüttemberg, Germany. Tübingen is a university town and has a quality of life is highest among all cities in Germany (National Survey of German weekly "Focus" in 2002)

University of Halle-Wittenberg
The University was founded in 1502 and located at Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. Magdenburg is the capital of the state of Sachsen-Anhalt in Germany.

University of Marburg
The University was founded in 1527 and its location was in Marburg, Hessen, Germany. A little information for you, Wiesbaden is the capital of Hessen. The university is very famous for his role is quite important in the history of Europe, especially in the field of religion, literature and science.

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